Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey Üniversitesi Kurumsal Akademik Arşivi

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Güncel Gönderiler

Extending the shelf life of stuffed pasta (manti) using cold smoking for different times
(Academic Press, 2025) Gökmen, Süleyman
Smoking treatments are widely used to impart desirable properties and to extend their shelf life to some foods, especially meat and meat products. A perfect combination of meat and cereal products, stuffed pasta (manti) is preserved in fresh and dried forms. Fresh manti has a short shelf life and a high risk of food poisoning due to the ground beef content. In this study, the new process was studied using cold smoking techniques to ensure the sustainability of the quality of manti. Within the scope of this study, a suitable smoking system was constructed and applied (cold smoking durations of 15, 30, and 45 min) to the fresh manti samples. Then some physicochemical (moisture, pH, color, ash, texture, Thiobarbituric acid), total phenol, sensory, and microbiological (total mesophilic aerobic bacteria, total aerobic, mold, and yeast) load of the samples were determined and compared to control samples at the beginning of the storage process (0. day) and throughout storage (21. day). There was initially no significant difference (p > 0.05) in the pH, ash, texture, Thiobarbituric acid values, and microbiological (total mesophilic aerobic bacteria, total aerobic, mold, and yeast) load of the manti samples. Initially and during the storage process, there was a difference in the color values of manti samples depending on the application time of cold smoking, but no negative effect of cold smoking on the color values of manti was detected. The total phenolic contents of the smoked manti samples were initially higher than the control sample, and the values obtained were statistically significant. During the storage process, the moisture level, TBA value, and microbiological (total mesophilic aerobic bacteria, total aerobic, mold, and yeast) load were found to be high in the control samples, and the values obtained were statistically significant (p < 0.05). As a result of the study, it was noted that 15 min of cold smoking treatment have significantly (p < 0.05) preserved sensory quality and color (L, a∗, b∗) values, total phenol content, microbiological load, texture, and Thiobarbituric acid values of the manti samples. In addition, it was found that smoking treatment prolonged the shelf life of manti by 25 days and increased its total phenol content. It was concluded that this technique could be improved further and used as an alternative preservation technique in the food industry. © 2024 The Author(s)
Novel smart materials with high curie temperatures: Eu1.90Dy0.10Ge2O7, Eu1.90La0.10Ge2O7 and Eu1.90Ho0.10Ge2O7
(Elsevier Ltd, 2025) Öztürk, Esra; Kalaycioglu Ozpozan, Nilgun; Kalem, Volkan
The Eu1.90Dy0.10Ge2O7, Eu1.90La0.10Ge2O7 and Eu1.90Ho0.10Ge2O7 powder were obtained through a solid-state reaction method via multistep firing of stoichiometric ratios of Eu2O3, GeO2, Dy2O3, La2O3 and Ho2O3 in open atmosphere at temperatures from 800 to 1150 °C. The thermal behaviour, phase formation, SEM/EDX analysis, photoluminescence properties, Curie tempereture, dielectric and piezoelectric properties of the samples were investigated by TG/DTA, XRD, SEM, PL, TG/DTA, LCR-meter and d33-meter, respectively. The germenates having triclinic crystal system have 5D0→7F4, 5D0→7F3, 5D0→7F2, 5D0→7F1 transitions of Eu3+ ions. Also, the photoluminescent germenates show electrical properties and the piezoelectric charge constant of germenates showed Eu1.90Dy0.10Ge2O7> Eu1.90Ho0.10Ge2O7 > Eu1.90La0.10Ge2O7 trend. The Curie temperature of Eu1.90Dy0.10Ge2O7, Eu1.90La0.10Ge2O7 and Eu1.90Ho0.10Ge2O7 are 825, 844 and 838 °C, respectively. Compared to commonly used piezoelectric materials, Eu1.90Dy0.10Ge2O7, Eu1.90La0.10Ge2O7 and Eu1.90Ho0.10Ge2O7 materials with very high Curie temperatures were obtained with photoluminescent properties. © 2024 Elsevier Ltd
Influence of core window height on thermal characteristics of dry-type transformers
(Elsevier Ltd, 2025) Dawood, Kamran; Kul, Seda
Elevated temperatures in transformer windings and cores pose a significant risk of damage to power transformers. The objective of this work is to analyze the influence of core window dimensions on the thermal efficiency of power transformers. Analytical approaches are limited in their ability to consider the impact of core window dimensions on the transformer's thermal behavior. Conversely, experimental methods are both expensive and time-consuming. To overcome these constraints, this work assesses and optimizes the temperature distribution in dry-type power transformers using finite element models, specifically examining the impact of the core window. The thermal model treats core and winding losses as sources of heat generation. Four different transformers, with varying heights of the transformer core window, have been modeled to assess the impact of window height on the thermal conditions of the transformers. The simulation findings indicate that variations in core window height have a significant impact on the transformer's thermal properties. By comparing the model's predictions of short-circuit impedance with experimental data, this study demonstrates the model's capability to reliably estimate parameters influenced by core window variations, thereby validating its usefulness. © 2025 The Author(s)
Measurements of polarization and spin correlation and observation of entanglement in top quark pairs using (Formula presented) events from proton-proton collisions at (Formula presented)
(American Physical Society, 2024) Hayrapetyan, A.; Tumasyan, A.; Adam, W.; Andrejkovic, J.W.; Benato, L.; Bergauer, T.; Chatterjee, S.
Measurements of the polarization and spin correlation in top quark pairs ((Formula presented)) are presented using events with a single electron or muon and jets in the final state. The measurements are based on proton-proton collision data from the LHC at (Formula presented) collected by the CMS experiment, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of (Formula presented). All coefficients of the polarization vectors and the spin correlation matrix are extracted simultaneously by performing a binned likelihood fit to the data. The measurement is performed inclusively and in bins of additional observables, such as the mass of the (Formula presented) system and the top quark scattering angle in the (Formula presented) rest frame. The measured polarization and spin correlation are in agreement with the standard model. From the measured spin correlation, conclusions on the (Formula presented) spin entanglement are drawn by applying the Peres-Horodecki criterion. The standard model predicts entangled spins for (Formula presented) states at the production threshold and at high masses of the (Formula presented) system. Entanglement is observed for the first time in events at high (Formula presented) mass, where a large fraction of the (Formula presented) decays are spacelike separated, with an expected and observed significance of above 5 standard deviations. © 2024 CERN, for the CMS Collaboration.
Surimi as a gastronomic value: A scientific review of gastronomy, origin, and technology
(Peter Lang AG, 2024) Şen, Ali
[No abstract available]